Grail of the Birch Moon is a group of people who seek spiritual development within themselves and who wish to walk this path with others of like mind. Those interested in coven work must be able to dedicate the time needed to participate during a minimum six-month trial period. This is so that you and coven members may become familiar with each other, as well as allowing you the opportunity to understand who we are and how we honor the God and Goddess, celebrate the Wheel of the Year, and work with magick in our rituals and practices.
The Membership Process:
We have a defined set of procedures which must be followed in order to petition to join the coven.
Initially, you would contact the High Priestess with your desire to learn more about our group and allow you the opportunity to ask any direct questions or express your thoughts at that time.
If the coven is open to new members, and at the discretion of the High Priestess, you will be asked to attend open coven and / or ASW rituals, workshops, and other events for a minimum of 6 events over 6 months’ time. We try to ensure that this process takes no more than 6 months, but much of that depends upon the applicant and the availability of open events. This "getting to know you" period is mandatory.
As a part of the greater spiritual community, you will be offered opportunities to celebrate and circle with us and our sister covens in the Assembly in ritual, workshops, lectures, or other means as a way in which to interact with the coven, determine how it works, and ascertain if you are compatible with each other.
You would be expected to attend as many opportunities as possible. During this time, coven members will be available to you at the events to answer any questions you may have about our tradition, our mission, and our practices. Leadership will be available to determine if you understand how the coven's structure, rituals, and practices work.
If, after 6 months (or 6 events - whichever comes first), you feel that membership in the coven is still what you seek, you would petition to join the coven by submitting a Letter of Intent to the High Priestess. The letter should include why you have petitioned to join a coven, what has brought you to this path, and particularly to Grail of the Birch Moon; what you hope to contribute to the coven, and what you expect in return; as well as any additional questions, concerns, or information you feel may be vital to the group. The information provided by you will be shared with the other members of the coven.
The High Priestess will then consult the coven's Group Mind, any Gods or Goddesses deemed necessary, and any people who may know you or of you. If there is no objection from them, an interview will be scheduled with you and the entire coven.
During your interview, everyone will share what they wish to about themselves and will get to ask any remaining questions, bring up concerns, or expectations. After the interview, the coven will discuss and vote on your petition and the High Priestess will notify you of the results. If, after the interview, there were no serious objections, you would be welcomed into the coven at the next possible opportunity via a Dedication* ritual.
* To Dedicate means to officially become a member of Grail of the Birch Moon and our Tradition during a ritual specifically designed for this purpose.
What is expected of a Dedicant? For the first year and a day, the new member who has been accepted into our coven is called a Dedicant. A member of the coven will be asked to mentor you for your first year and a day. The path of the Dedicant is one of learning as s/he learns about the coven and the tradition of the Assembly Of The Sacred Wheel. It is a time for the Dedicant and members of the coven to learn more about each other and work together in circle as we celebrate the Wheel Of The Year. In circle, it is important to have members whose energies blend well with the rest of the group. To celebrate, learn, and work magic together is a joy but also a responsibly and not to be entered into lightly.
You must be 18 years of age to join Grail of the Birch Moon. Neither Grail of the Birch Moon (GBM) or the Assembly will deny membership on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual, or affectional orientation, marital status, economic status, personal appearance, political affiliation, or disability.
Membership may be denied to individuals practicing racism, sexism, demonism, or any other antagonistic creeds as determined by the coven or the Assembly. If you take medications, you must comply with the regimen as indicated by your doctor(s). Evidence of abusive or violent behavior, baneful Magick, or other dangerous or destructive acts in word or deed may be grounds for denial of membership or expulsion. Please note: not everyone who petitions the coven is guaranteed to join - for a variety of reasons.
For more information, please contact the High Priestess: GBM@sacredwheel.org or refer to the Membership Inquiry page.